Monday, October 24, 2011

Graphic Design

Graphic Design is my third choice for a potential major. I visited the graphic design department which is located in the Pollak building. I spoke with the head of the department and I learned a lot that I did not know or expect about the program. I learned that it is not all about computers, especially your first semester in the program. First semester is all hands on and about color theory. You learn lettering and things like that, and then you get onto the computers second semester. Students learn to use Illustrator and Photoshop and more and more programs as they go through the program. There are three to five projects due a semester and students participate in class critiques and one on ones with their professors. First students learn communication skills, and as they grow they get more involved in the practice of design. The program is theory based and the field is very competitive, so the program is as well.

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